We've tried to make Super as simple and as Magical as we can, and we know that Super is different to other web platforms and can take a bit to wrap your head around.
Rest assured that help is close by. We have lots of guides and documentation, and our support team is ready to answer your questions.
The fastest way to get help from us personally is to use the intercom chat bubble in the bottom right of the window. But there are other self-help options:
Refer to the user guides
If you're getting started with Super, the User Guides are probably the best resource for you to help you learn Super. We have a mix of step by step guides, as well as some video walk-throughs.
Read these how-to articles
We've also written and compiled a whole swag of little articles on how to do certain things like adding embed code, adding specific CSS to style buttons, or how to trouble shoot things that are not working. You're reading one of these now.
You can search these articles from the Intercom Chat Bubble or via this site:
Chat with us
Our support team is available to chat with you about any issue or challenge that you may face with your site. Click on the Intercom Messenger Chat Bubble in the bottom right of the window to start a chat with us.
We've added a Bot to the chat that can help you resolve common issues, and this has been built using the actual conversations we have with people to resolve these issues. You can also search all the articles in this help center.
Join our Discord
Our discord community is very active and has many members who are designers and developers, as well as many long-time and experienced Super users.
Discord is great for chatting and quick answers to questions.
Join our Community
Our community on Circle is a great way to ask questions and also search for previously answered questions.
The community is best for learning how others have solved problems before.
Read the fine manual
For those interested in more technical documentation, visit our docs site.